Essential Teachings from Biblical Scholars, Prophets, Evangelists
Audiochristian is packed full of Christian Teachings, Bible expositions, and Spiritual Insights for you to Stream or Download for free. We operate under the mantle of Keith Gerner, an Oxford University graduate who has planted and grown churches around the world. He played a pivotal role in the great Charismatic Revival of Ireland, and is preparing for another great move of the Lord. An annointed teacher and apostle, with a lifetime of experience in minstry to share and help shepherd others.

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Miscellaneous Topics

AVM Conference Audios

AVM Conference 2024 “Thy Will Be Done” (Luke 11:7KJV)

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2024 with teachings from Clive Wilson, Keith & Michael Gerner,

AVM Conference 2023 Forgiven As We Forgive

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2023 with teachings from Brian Gingles, Keith & Michael Gerner,

AVM Conference 2022 Thy Will Be Done

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2022 with teachings from Lewis Smyth, Keith & Michael Gerner,

AVM Conference 2021 Thy Kingdom Come

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2021 with teachings from Clive Wilson, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Practical Christianity – Ephesians Study

Colossians 2021 audio sessions, given by Keith Gerner,


Colossians 2021 audio sessions, given by Keith Gerner,

AVM Conference 2019

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2019 with teachings from Dan Lee, Clive Wilson, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Dublin Conference 2018

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2018 with teachings from Paul Bennison, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Acts of the Apostles 2018

Acts of the Apostles 2018 audio sessions, given by Keith Gerner,

Le Chateau Rally March 2018 in USA JG and Ps Pride

Youtube Video

Naaman 2 Kings 5 Little Maid and Servant Heart Elim 1 Dec 2017

Youtube Video

Keith Gerner, USA 2018

Youtube Video

Keith Gerner, USA 2018 March

Youtube Video

Dublin Conference 2017

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2017 with teachings from Paul & Caroline Burns, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Protection against error

Youtube Video

Suffering in ministry

Youtube Video

Creation and redemption work of Christ

Youtube Video

Victory over sin (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 6 (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 5 (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 4 (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 3 (video)

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Christian teaching 2 (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 1 (video)

Youtube Video

Service Rewarded 2 Timothy 4 (video)

Youtube Video

Christ is the answer (video)

Youtube Video

Christ’s Person and Work (video)

Youtube Video

Prayer and intercession (video)

Youtube Video

Overcoming through Prophecy (Video) Session 3

Youtube Video

Overcoming through Prophecy (Video) Session 2

Youtube Video

Overcoming through Prophecy (Video) Session 1

Youtube Video

Yakima 2017 USA – Keith Gerner – A Christian Viewpoint (Video)

Youtube Video

Acts 27 – Apostolic Calling (Video)

Youtube Video

Teaching on Salvation 2017 (Video)

Youtube Video

Holy Spirit Baptism & prophet Don Roger’s story (Video)

Youtube Video

Life of Faith (Video)

Youtube Video

Spiritual Gifts (Video)

Youtube Video

Boyne Valley Conference 2016

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2016 with teachings from Keith & Michael Gerner, Clive wilson & Gregg Daley. Learn about Prophecy – we all have a role with Spiritual Gifts in serving Jesus, ministering his love and practical guidance into the lives of people, in everyday situations and ways.

Keith Gerner – Spiritual Gifts

In this Video Keith Gerner teaches important facts and insights about Spiritual Gifts, how to use them, their role in ministry and how to develop them through Christ.

Keith Ayton Testimony

85 year old missionary healed of cancer in 2009. His fatal PSA Blood count of 234, dropped to normal, and impacted professional doctors who came to hear him.

Apostolic Authority

This audio lesson contains teaching about Apostolic Authority and the divine commissions of God.


Ruth Teaching on the book of Ruth from the Old Testament, and lessons we can glean from it. How to overcome emotional distress today! This Old Testament story is covered by Keith Gerner on St Valentine’s day, showing how God can bring a new future to committed people. A real tonic for depressed love life…

Revival Warfare

Revival Warfare Keith Gerner speaks on Zacheriah chap 4 about Revival warfare in the last days as Believers WAKE UP! You will enjoy the story of Paddy and Mick told in this garage meeting, but be challenged by the need to prepare for what lies ahead in these last days before the return of Christ.…

Vision of Christ Coming

Vision of Christ Coming Keith Gerner shares a vision  given to Dominic Flanagan in Limerick of a tsunami coming upon the Church. Speaking from what then happened in Ireland, Keith covers the warning contained in Matthew chapter 25 and the answer of God. This challenges those in despair, even at the brink of suicide. It…

Divine Healing Lesson

Divine Healing Lesson Divine Healing Lesson given in Newcastle, Northern Ireland. Keith Gerner speaks on the Gift of Healing from 1 Corinthians, after 40 years of global experience. Have you ever wondered what are the principles of Divine Healing? Why is healing delayed? This teaching is a MUST for those who want to help sick…

Last Call. 2nd Coming Challenge

Last Call. 2nd Coming Challenge Keith Gerner covers the 2nd Coming and tells how he met Bishop Stanley in USA, who talked of meeting Antichrist already alive in the Middle East. Bishop Stanley gave an accurate prophecy of a birth (now fulfilled) of Keith’s grandaughter. What are the signs of the end times? What is…

Kingdom Praying

Kingdom Praying Keith Gerner shares that God’s Kingdom is in part with us today. Keith shares how God answers prayer for Revival from fifty years of experience of continuous Holy Ghost experience. Keys are available to those seeking God for more in their Christian walk, which have worked globally for Keith  in his 28 years…

David Peters

David Peters DAVID PETERS from New Zealand with his wife Greta share in the Elim Church at Carryduff, Northern Ireland.  Greta shares how God wishes to reclaim Ireland for His Kingdom  bringing light into darkness. David shares on going forward steadily as well as sudden miracles from Matthew 13. He tells of the tremendous need…

Harry Smith – Ulster Covenant

Harry Smith – Ulster Covenant Talk on the ULSTER COVENANT LEGACY on Ireland given at an AVM CONFERENCE at Castlewellan. Harry traces the effects of Covenants on the History of Ireland, and shows the need to remove ancestral bondage and curses before God can visit the land. Although he has moved from Rostrevor since that…

Renewed Mind

Renewed Mind Keith Gerner speaks from Luke 24 in the context of REVIVAL, of the need to have a mind set on resurrection and not death. Keith’s message is a key to a whole new future for Believers where past disasters can be redeemed and Christians can live by faith in what God is planning…

Keith Gerner – Personal Testimony

Keith Gerner – Personal Testimony Keith shares his life story of miracles in the grace of God as the Holy Spirit brought freedom out of modes of thinking that are holding back many believers today. This is exciting history for somebody seeking for a deeper experience with God, where Divine love and miracles will blow…

Christmas Challenge

Christmas Challenge Six signs for those seeking Revival are brought out by Keith Gerner by a study of Matthew chapter 2. Specific personal words are given in this message which will impact those listening covering body diseases and some personal rejection. This message has already impacted all who have heard it, even outside of the…

Your Destiny

Your Destiny Keith Gerner shares an intimate meeting with God in Newcastle Co Down in 1968 when he was led to pray from Exodus 32 v 32 and received a promise of victory, which was worked out in the Charismatic awakening of 1973. This encounter changed Ireland. Keith shares in this message  the Cross work…

Rebuild Vs Ridicule

Rebuild Vs Ridicule Keith Gerner shares from Nehemiah chapter 4 at Holywood about a vision given to him by prophet Paul Cain, who called him out in Hawaii,  predicting his part in  an army of ordinary Believers raising the dead and healing the sick. (This vision is for every believer, and has already been fulfilled…

New Wineskins

New Wineskins Keith Gerner shares at Riverside meeting near Portadown, Northern Ireland on 2 Corinthians chapter 10 v 3 some remarkable experiences he has been through over the last 50 years in major revivals. Are you part of the new wineskin God has chosen for the last days?  (Matthew ch 9 v 17) Find out…

Life & Faith, Failure & Faith

Life & Faith, Failure & Faith KEITH GERNER speaks from John 21 v 4 about his experiences in raising the dead and the Florida Lakeland Revival which he attended with his wife. He brings this together with the testimony of a boy raised from the dead in Belfast in that revival. He faces honestly the…

Recover All

Recover All Speaking at a Communion service in the Christian Fellowship at Annalong, Northern Ireland Keith Gerner  covers the Scripture from 1 Samuel chap 30 v 8 dealing with recovering all that the Enemy has stolen. The Bible records the grief of David at finding his wives and family all taken, but the encouragement of…

Esther Challenge

Esther Challenge Keith Gerner shares from Esther 4 v 14 at Cork Community Church on Christians today. He covers their personal place, prayer power, position  with Christ and practical steps to meet problems. These revelations will change the way you think and pray in the light of what Scripture shows Believers in Christ, and is…

Revival Challenge

Revival Challenge How do you know your calling and act on it when everything seems so dead?  Keith Gerner speaks from Esther chapter 2 of a royal calling, and reminds us of the words STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. This message contains some prophetic and practical answer to the problems of listeners facing critical situations. The…

Elijah’s Calling 2 Kings 2

Elijah’s Calling 2 Kings 2 KEITH GERNER urges Christians to keep moving onwards for more of God from the passing of Elijah into Heaven in 2 Kings chapter 2, when Elisha took on his ministry and anointing. This message will show you how to partake in the ministry of the risen Christ instead of watching…

Guidance & Wise Men

Guidance & Wise Men God can use the Christmas season, as Keith Gerner testifies to his own salvation as a result of receiving a seasonal gift from his Canadian aunt. He then opens Matthew chapter 2 to teach on what it is to be A WISE MAN! You will enjoy and be challenged by what…

USA Tour – Life of Faith

USA Tour – Life of Faith Join Keith Gerner at STURBRIDGE Worship Centre near Boston Massachusetts USA as he teaches on LESSONS FOR LEADERS from the Epistles of Paul to Timothy and Titus. Pastor Dan Lee assisted in this miracle ministry before visiting Ireland in power and later joining Mike Bickle in the International House…

USA Tour – Lessons for Leaders

USA Tour – Lessons for Leaders Join Keith Gerner at Sturbridge Worship Centre near Boston Massachusetts USA as he teaches on LESSONS FOR LEADERS from the Epistles of Paul to Timothy and Titus. Pastor Dan Lee assisted in this miracle ministry before visiting Ireland in power and later joining Mike Bickle in the International House…

USA Tour – Revival

USA Tour – Revival Keith Gerner (77) at Sturbridge Revival Centre shares how he has seen continual revival with the congregation (then under the leadership of Prophet Dan Lee). From personal experience and studies at Oxford University, he shares the various Scriptural bases for Revival from leading men of the past, up to more recent…

Boyne Valley Conference 2015

Boyne Valley Conference 2015 Rise Up, My Love – Song of Solomon 2:10

Boyne Valley Conference 2014

Boyne Valley Conference 2014 His Banner Over Us Is Love – With Keith Gerner and others.

Boyne Valley Conference 2013

Boyne Valley Conference 2013 Jesus is Lord – With Graham Jones, Keith Gerner et al underlining our position in the Heavenly places.

Castlewellan Conference 2012

Castlewellan Conference 2012 Jesus is Lord – With Graham Jones, Keith Gerner et al underlining our position in the Heavenly places.

Castlewellan Conference 2011

Castlewellan Conference 2011 With Graham Jones, Dan Lee, and Keith Gerner focused on bringing the Kingdom of God.

Castlewellan Conference 2010

Castlewellan Conference 2010 With Graham Jones, Dan Lee, and Keith Gerner focused on bringing the Kingdom of God.

Castlewellan Conference 2009

Castlewellan Conference 2009 With Graham Jones speaking at the AVM Castlewellan Conference 2009.

Castlewellan Conference 2008

Castlewellan Conference 2008 With Gregg Daley speaking this year at our AVM Castlewellan Conference 2008 on CASTING DOWN STRONGHOLDS.

Castlewellan Conference 2007

Castlewellan Conference 2007 Ken and Tim Mc Greavy came from AMEN Ministries in England to a packed Leaders Lunch at the Park Avenue Hotel in Belfast, where Ken shared on the key point of personal communion with the Lord, as we hear His voice, which is the basis of true faith for healing. This became…

Castlewellan Conference 2005 “I believe God”

Castlewellan Conference 2005 “I believe God” Castlewellan 2005 was marked by the theme “I believe God” from Acts chapter 27. Inspirational talks were given by Ken McGreavy, who has 34 years full-time Christian ministry. He has ministered in over 30 nations amongst such diverse groups as Missionary Organizations (e.g. YWAM), local churches and Bible Colleges.…

Advanced Supernatural School

Advanced Supernatural School This Audio Christian teaching series on the Advanced Supernatural (by David & Greta Peters) was given at Elim Carryduff, 8-10th June 2012.


Revival In this series Keith Gerner teaches on bringing Revival to the nation.

Just For You (Jude Study)

Just For You (Jude Study) This is a collection of excellent studies on the book of Jude taught by Keith Gerner. The topics explored here are for today, and just for you! 


Prayer *As Featured on UCB Europe* This Audio Christian teaching series on “Prayer” by Keith Gerner. In-depth studies on prayer. Achieving a fruitful relationship with Jesus through prayer, and seeing the miraculous in your life.

Armour of God

Armour of God Keith Gerner revises studies on Spiuritual Warfare in this series of lessons given at Carryduff Elim in 2011.

Book of Ephesians – Study

Book of Ephesians – Study This is a collection of excellent studies on the book of Ephesians taught by Keith Gerner.

Obey the Vision

Obey the Vision Keith Gerner heads Audio Visual Ministries in Ireland. Graduate of Oxford University in History with Honours, he was a professional teacher in Scripture and Latin. As a result of hearning that language spoken miraculously by somebody without classical education in England through the gift of toungues, he became one of the dozen…

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare is a difficult area for so many. There is a lot of confusion, and it is necessary to have discernment, the armour of God, and to be scripturally certain of our adversary, his wiles, and how to prevail through Christ. We are instructed not to be ignorant of these things and…

Gifts of the Spirit

Gifts of the Spirit This brand new series covers the essentials of Chistian life in the Spirit. Clear biblical guidance and teaching regarding the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts and manifestations. Continuing the work that Jesus did, and calls us to do. Listen and be blessed! In this series K. Gerner looks at life in Spiritual…

Foundation Courses

Foundation Courses This series starts with vital scriptural truths for all believers. Topics start with what Salvation is and what it isn’t, through to Baptism, correct practice and power, the Kingdoms of God and Satan, spiritual warfare and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Book of Hebrews – Study

Book of Hebrews – Study Keith Gerner’s new audio study series on the book of Hebrews.

A New Day

A New Day This audio accompanies Keith Gerner’s book entitled “A New Day”. It answers many questions relating to the character and purpose of God, revealing your true potential in Christ and giving an example of vibrant church life and witness. Keith Gerner, Oxford Graduate is a professional teacher in Scripture and Latin. As a…


Faith *As Featured on UCB Europe* This series covers the purpose and power of faith. It looks at instances of faith in the bible, and the underlying principles of this life. The conditions of continuous contact with God, and the Commission of Jesus. It also looks at examples of faith from early church history, recent…

Lessons for Leaders

Lessons for Leaders These Lessons For Leaders provide a bible-based approach to many leadership issues. Centred on the Epistles of Timothy and Titus. The issues raised here deal with such things as early church definitions of elders, deacons, bishops, women’s roles, standing against false teaching etc. This teaching is very suitable for current leaderships, and…


Revelations With so much confusion and mystery surrounding the Book of Revelations, it is important that we understand the Lord’s directions and take seriously His warnings. The Book of Revelation is a great source of mystery and yet it is directly relevant to all of us. There are many conflicting doctrines and teachings regarding Revelations.…


Marriage Christian Marriage is the cornerstone for happiness in God’s family. This course explores the Bible and what the Lord has to say on the subject. This audio series takes a grounded, biblical perspective on Marriage. It explores God’s purposes, designs and practical applications of these wonderful truths. Marriage is a tremendous gift from the…

Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts *As Featured on UCB Europe* This audio series takes a healthy biblical perspective on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Keith Gerner has many years spiritual experience, and currently leads international churches and outreaches. Educated at Oxford University, and with a strong marriage between the word and the spirit – all courses on…

Life in the Spirit

Life in the Spirit *As Featured on UCB Europe* This audio series takes a healthy biblical perspective on life in the spirit. Keith Gerner has many years spiritual experience, and currently leads international churches and outreaches. Educated at Oxford University, and with a strong marriage between the word and the spirit – all courses on…

Divine Healing

Divine Healing *As Featured on UCB Europe* This audio series takes a grounded, biblical perspective on Divine Healing. God wants to heal (and can do so easily), so it is important to understand what the bible teaches us about this. In this series we talk about many healing examples, the divine commission to heal, and…

Latest Audio

AVM Conference 2024 “Thy Will Be Done” (Luke 11:7KJV)

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2024 with teachings from Clive Wilson, Keith & Michael Gerner,

AVM Conference 2023 Forgiven As We Forgive

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2023 with teachings from Brian Gingles, Keith & Michael Gerner,

AVM Conference 2022 Thy Will Be Done

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2022 with teachings from Lewis Smyth, Keith & Michael Gerner,

AVM Conference 2021 Thy Kingdom Come

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2021 with teachings from Clive Wilson, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Practical Christianity – Ephesians Study

Colossians 2021 audio sessions, given by Keith Gerner,


Colossians 2021 audio sessions, given by Keith Gerner,

AVM Conference 2019

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2019 with teachings from Dan Lee, Clive Wilson, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Dublin Conference 2018

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2018 with teachings from Paul Bennison, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Acts of the Apostles 2018

Acts of the Apostles 2018 audio sessions, given by Keith Gerner,

Le Chateau Rally March 2018 in USA JG and Ps Pride

Youtube Video

Naaman 2 Kings 5 Little Maid and Servant Heart Elim 1 Dec 2017

Youtube Video

Keith Gerner, USA 2018

Youtube Video

Keith Gerner, USA 2018 March

Youtube Video

Dublin Conference 2017

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2017 with teachings from Paul & Caroline Burns, Keith & Michael Gerner,

Protection against error

Youtube Video

Suffering in ministry

Youtube Video

Creation and redemption work of Christ

Youtube Video

Victory over sin (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 6 (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 5 (video)

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Christian teaching 4 (video)

Youtube Video

Christian teaching 3 (video)

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Christian teaching 2 (video)

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Christian teaching 1 (video)

Youtube Video

Service Rewarded 2 Timothy 4 (video)

Youtube Video

Christ is the answer (video)

Youtube Video

Christ’s Person and Work (video)

Youtube Video

Prayer and intercession (video)

Youtube Video

Overcoming through Prophecy (Video) Session 3

Youtube Video

Overcoming through Prophecy (Video) Session 2

Youtube Video

Overcoming through Prophecy (Video) Session 1

Youtube Video

Yakima 2017 USA – Keith Gerner – A Christian Viewpoint (Video)

Youtube Video

Acts 27 – Apostolic Calling (Video)

Youtube Video

Teaching on Salvation 2017 (Video)

Youtube Video

Holy Spirit Baptism & prophet Don Roger’s story (Video)

Youtube Video

Life of Faith (Video)

Youtube Video

Spiritual Gifts (Video)

Youtube Video

Boyne Valley Conference 2016

All audio sessions from the AVM International Conference 2016 with teachings from Keith & Michael Gerner, Clive wilson & Gregg Daley. Learn about Prophecy – we all have a role with Spiritual Gifts in serving Jesus, ministering his love and practical guidance into the lives of people, in everyday situations and ways.

Keith Gerner – Spiritual Gifts

In this Video Keith Gerner teaches important facts and insights about Spiritual Gifts, how to use them, their role in ministry and how to develop them through Christ.

Keith Ayton Testimony

85 year old missionary healed of cancer in 2009. His fatal PSA Blood count of 234, dropped to normal, and impacted professional doctors who came to hear him.

Apostolic Authority

This audio lesson contains teaching about Apostolic Authority and the divine commissions of God.


Ruth Teaching on the book of Ruth from the Old Testament, and lessons we can glean from it. How to overcome emotional distress today! This Old Testament story is covered by Keith Gerner on St Valentine’s day, showing how God can bring a new future to committed people. A real tonic for depressed love life…

Revival Warfare

Revival Warfare Keith Gerner speaks on Zacheriah chap 4 about Revival warfare in the last days as Believers WAKE UP! You will enjoy the story of Paddy and Mick told in this garage meeting, but be challenged by the need to prepare for what lies ahead in these last days before the return of Christ.…

Vision of Christ Coming

Vision of Christ Coming Keith Gerner shares a vision  given to Dominic Flanagan in Limerick of a tsunami coming upon the Church. Speaking from what then happened in Ireland, Keith covers the warning contained in Matthew chapter 25 and the answer of God. This challenges those in despair, even at the brink of suicide. It…

Divine Healing Lesson

Divine Healing Lesson Divine Healing Lesson given in Newcastle, Northern Ireland. Keith Gerner speaks on the Gift of Healing from 1 Corinthians, after 40 years of global experience. Have you ever wondered what are the principles of Divine Healing? Why is healing delayed? This teaching is a MUST for those who want to help sick…

Last Call. 2nd Coming Challenge

Last Call. 2nd Coming Challenge Keith Gerner covers the 2nd Coming and tells how he met Bishop Stanley in USA, who talked of meeting Antichrist already alive in the Middle East. Bishop Stanley gave an accurate prophecy of a birth (now fulfilled) of Keith’s grandaughter. What are the signs of the end times? What is…

Kingdom Praying

Kingdom Praying Keith Gerner shares that God’s Kingdom is in part with us today. Keith shares how God answers prayer for Revival from fifty years of experience of continuous Holy Ghost experience. Keys are available to those seeking God for more in their Christian walk, which have worked globally for Keith  in his 28 years…

David Peters

David Peters DAVID PETERS from New Zealand with his wife Greta share in the Elim Church at Carryduff, Northern Ireland.  Greta shares how God wishes to reclaim Ireland for His Kingdom  bringing light into darkness. David shares on going forward steadily as well as sudden miracles from Matthew 13. He tells of the tremendous need…

Harry Smith – Ulster Covenant

Harry Smith – Ulster Covenant Talk on the ULSTER COVENANT LEGACY on Ireland given at an AVM CONFERENCE at Castlewellan. Harry traces the effects of Covenants on the History of Ireland, and shows the need to remove ancestral bondage and curses before God can visit the land. Although he has moved from Rostrevor since that…

Renewed Mind

Renewed Mind Keith Gerner speaks from Luke 24 in the context of REVIVAL, of the need to have a mind set on resurrection and not death. Keith’s message is a key to a whole new future for Believers where past disasters can be redeemed and Christians can live by faith in what God is planning…

Keith Gerner – Personal Testimony

Keith Gerner – Personal Testimony Keith shares his life story of miracles in the grace of God as the Holy Spirit brought freedom out of modes of thinking that are holding back many believers today. This is exciting history for somebody seeking for a deeper experience with God, where Divine love and miracles will blow…

Christmas Challenge

Christmas Challenge Six signs for those seeking Revival are brought out by Keith Gerner by a study of Matthew chapter 2. Specific personal words are given in this message which will impact those listening covering body diseases and some personal rejection. This message has already impacted all who have heard it, even outside of the…

Your Destiny

Your Destiny Keith Gerner shares an intimate meeting with God in Newcastle Co Down in 1968 when he was led to pray from Exodus 32 v 32 and received a promise of victory, which was worked out in the Charismatic awakening of 1973. This encounter changed Ireland. Keith shares in this message  the Cross work…

Rebuild Vs Ridicule

Rebuild Vs Ridicule Keith Gerner shares from Nehemiah chapter 4 at Holywood about a vision given to him by prophet Paul Cain, who called him out in Hawaii,  predicting his part in  an army of ordinary Believers raising the dead and healing the sick. (This vision is for every believer, and has already been fulfilled…

New Wineskins

New Wineskins Keith Gerner shares at Riverside meeting near Portadown, Northern Ireland on 2 Corinthians chapter 10 v 3 some remarkable experiences he has been through over the last 50 years in major revivals. Are you part of the new wineskin God has chosen for the last days?  (Matthew ch 9 v 17) Find out…

Life & Faith, Failure & Faith

Life & Faith, Failure & Faith KEITH GERNER speaks from John 21 v 4 about his experiences in raising the dead and the Florida Lakeland Revival which he attended with his wife. He brings this together with the testimony of a boy raised from the dead in Belfast in that revival. He faces honestly the…

Recover All

Recover All Speaking at a Communion service in the Christian Fellowship at Annalong, Northern Ireland Keith Gerner  covers the Scripture from 1 Samuel chap 30 v 8 dealing with recovering all that the Enemy has stolen. The Bible records the grief of David at finding his wives and family all taken, but the encouragement of…

Esther Challenge

Esther Challenge Keith Gerner shares from Esther 4 v 14 at Cork Community Church on Christians today. He covers their personal place, prayer power, position  with Christ and practical steps to meet problems. These revelations will change the way you think and pray in the light of what Scripture shows Believers in Christ, and is…

Revival Challenge

Revival Challenge How do you know your calling and act on it when everything seems so dead?  Keith Gerner speaks from Esther chapter 2 of a royal calling, and reminds us of the words STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. This message contains some prophetic and practical answer to the problems of listeners facing critical situations. The…

Elijah’s Calling 2 Kings 2

Elijah’s Calling 2 Kings 2 KEITH GERNER urges Christians to keep moving onwards for more of God from the passing of Elijah into Heaven in 2 Kings chapter 2, when Elisha took on his ministry and anointing. This message will show you how to partake in the ministry of the risen Christ instead of watching…

Guidance & Wise Men

Guidance & Wise Men God can use the Christmas season, as Keith Gerner testifies to his own salvation as a result of receiving a seasonal gift from his Canadian aunt. He then opens Matthew chapter 2 to teach on what it is to be A WISE MAN! You will enjoy and be challenged by what…

USA Tour – Life of Faith

USA Tour – Life of Faith Join Keith Gerner at STURBRIDGE Worship Centre near Boston Massachusetts USA as he teaches on LESSONS FOR LEADERS from the Epistles of Paul to Timothy and Titus. Pastor Dan Lee assisted in this miracle ministry before visiting Ireland in power and later joining Mike Bickle in the International House…

USA Tour – Lessons for Leaders

USA Tour – Lessons for Leaders Join Keith Gerner at Sturbridge Worship Centre near Boston Massachusetts USA as he teaches on LESSONS FOR LEADERS from the Epistles of Paul to Timothy and Titus. Pastor Dan Lee assisted in this miracle ministry before visiting Ireland in power and later joining Mike Bickle in the International House…

USA Tour – Revival

USA Tour – Revival Keith Gerner (77) at Sturbridge Revival Centre shares how he has seen continual revival with the congregation (then under the leadership of Prophet Dan Lee). From personal experience and studies at Oxford University, he shares the various Scriptural bases for Revival from leading men of the past, up to more recent…

Boyne Valley Conference 2015

Boyne Valley Conference 2015 Rise Up, My Love – Song of Solomon 2:10

Boyne Valley Conference 2014

Boyne Valley Conference 2014 His Banner Over Us Is Love – With Keith Gerner and others.

Boyne Valley Conference 2013

Boyne Valley Conference 2013 Jesus is Lord – With Graham Jones, Keith Gerner et al underlining our position in the Heavenly places.

Castlewellan Conference 2012

Castlewellan Conference 2012 Jesus is Lord – With Graham Jones, Keith Gerner et al underlining our position in the Heavenly places.

Castlewellan Conference 2011

Castlewellan Conference 2011 With Graham Jones, Dan Lee, and Keith Gerner focused on bringing the Kingdom of God.

Castlewellan Conference 2010

Castlewellan Conference 2010 With Graham Jones, Dan Lee, and Keith Gerner focused on bringing the Kingdom of God.

Castlewellan Conference 2009

Castlewellan Conference 2009 With Graham Jones speaking at the AVM Castlewellan Conference 2009.

Castlewellan Conference 2008

Castlewellan Conference 2008 With Gregg Daley speaking this year at our AVM Castlewellan Conference 2008 on CASTING DOWN STRONGHOLDS.

Castlewellan Conference 2007

Castlewellan Conference 2007 Ken and Tim Mc Greavy came from AMEN Ministries in England to a packed Leaders Lunch at the Park Avenue Hotel in Belfast, where Ken shared on the key point of personal communion with the Lord, as we hear His voice, which is the basis of true faith for healing. This became…

Castlewellan Conference 2005 “I believe God”

Castlewellan Conference 2005 “I believe God” Castlewellan 2005 was marked by the theme “I believe God” from Acts chapter 27. Inspirational talks were given by Ken McGreavy, who has 34 years full-time Christian ministry. He has ministered in over 30 nations amongst such diverse groups as Missionary Organizations (e.g. YWAM), local churches and Bible Colleges.…

Advanced Supernatural School

Advanced Supernatural School This Audio Christian teaching series on the Advanced Supernatural (by David & Greta Peters) was given at Elim Carryduff, 8-10th June 2012.


Revival In this series Keith Gerner teaches on bringing Revival to the nation.

Just For You (Jude Study)

Just For You (Jude Study) This is a collection of excellent studies on the book of Jude taught by Keith Gerner. The topics explored here are for today, and just for you! 


Prayer *As Featured on UCB Europe* This Audio Christian teaching series on “Prayer” by Keith Gerner. In-depth studies on prayer. Achieving a fruitful relationship with Jesus through prayer, and seeing the miraculous in your life.

Armour of God

Armour of God Keith Gerner revises studies on Spiuritual Warfare in this series of lessons given at Carryduff Elim in 2011.

Book of Ephesians – Study

Book of Ephesians – Study This is a collection of excellent studies on the book of Ephesians taught by Keith Gerner.

Obey the Vision

Obey the Vision Keith Gerner heads Audio Visual Ministries in Ireland. Graduate of Oxford University in History with Honours, he was a professional teacher in Scripture and Latin. As a result of hearning that language spoken miraculously by somebody without classical education in England through the gift of toungues, he became one of the dozen…

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare is a difficult area for so many. There is a lot of confusion, and it is necessary to have discernment, the armour of God, and to be scripturally certain of our adversary, his wiles, and how to prevail through Christ. We are instructed not to be ignorant of these things and…

Gifts of the Spirit

Gifts of the Spirit This brand new series covers the essentials of Chistian life in the Spirit. Clear biblical guidance and teaching regarding the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts and manifestations. Continuing the work that Jesus did, and calls us to do. Listen and be blessed! In this series K. Gerner looks at life in Spiritual…

Foundation Courses

Foundation Courses This series starts with vital scriptural truths for all believers. Topics start with what Salvation is and what it isn’t, through to Baptism, correct practice and power, the Kingdoms of God and Satan, spiritual warfare and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Book of Hebrews – Study

Book of Hebrews – Study Keith Gerner’s new audio study series on the book of Hebrews.

A New Day

A New Day This audio accompanies Keith Gerner’s book entitled “A New Day”. It answers many questions relating to the character and purpose of God, revealing your true potential in Christ and giving an example of vibrant church life and witness. Keith Gerner, Oxford Graduate is a professional teacher in Scripture and Latin. As a…


Faith *As Featured on UCB Europe* This series covers the purpose and power of faith. It looks at instances of faith in the bible, and the underlying principles of this life. The conditions of continuous contact with God, and the Commission of Jesus. It also looks at examples of faith from early church history, recent…

Lessons for Leaders

Lessons for Leaders These Lessons For Leaders provide a bible-based approach to many leadership issues. Centred on the Epistles of Timothy and Titus. The issues raised here deal with such things as early church definitions of elders, deacons, bishops, women’s roles, standing against false teaching etc. This teaching is very suitable for current leaderships, and…


Revelations With so much confusion and mystery surrounding the Book of Revelations, it is important that we understand the Lord’s directions and take seriously His warnings. The Book of Revelation is a great source of mystery and yet it is directly relevant to all of us. There are many conflicting doctrines and teachings regarding Revelations.…


Marriage Christian Marriage is the cornerstone for happiness in God’s family. This course explores the Bible and what the Lord has to say on the subject. This audio series takes a grounded, biblical perspective on Marriage. It explores God’s purposes, designs and practical applications of these wonderful truths. Marriage is a tremendous gift from the…

Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts *As Featured on UCB Europe* This audio series takes a healthy biblical perspective on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Keith Gerner has many years spiritual experience, and currently leads international churches and outreaches. Educated at Oxford University, and with a strong marriage between the word and the spirit – all courses on…

Life in the Spirit

Life in the Spirit *As Featured on UCB Europe* This audio series takes a healthy biblical perspective on life in the spirit. Keith Gerner has many years spiritual experience, and currently leads international churches and outreaches. Educated at Oxford University, and with a strong marriage between the word and the spirit – all courses on…

Divine Healing

Divine Healing *As Featured on UCB Europe* This audio series takes a grounded, biblical perspective on Divine Healing. God wants to heal (and can do so easily), so it is important to understand what the bible teaches us about this. In this series we talk about many healing examples, the divine commission to heal, and…

Latest Audio & Video

“Deliver us from Evil” Matthew 6 v 13

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These audios have been Featured on Christian TV, Radio and are sure to provide you with unique insights and understandings. Our aim is to Equip the Body of Christ, teach by experience and example.

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About Audio Christian

Audio Christian is a free resource of quality Christian Teachings and Lessons. We do our best to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, by providing experienced, mature lessons to help equip Christians to be effective and blessed in their spiritual walk. Many of our lessons are provided through Keith Gerner, as part of Audio Visual Ministries (UK & Ireland). Keith Gerner is an Oxford Graduate and has lived a life dedicated to full-time Christian service in the Holy Spirit for over 60 years.

Keith has been used by God in the Irish Revival and teaches internationally, having founded churches in Singapore and elsewhere. It is quite rare to find ministers who have a thorough scriptural knowledge, combined with a Holy Spirit ministry, and so many years of experience.

As Christians we are to walk in the abundant life promised by Jesus. We are to work as a body, knit together in love and unity, and in full operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We have seen many miracles here, and continue to do so. The teachings on this site are from those educated and annointed by God. We trust the quality and light you recieve here will encourage and edify you.

Feel free to browse, download and distribute our materials. Enjoy just listening to a series while you work at your computer, or give them to friends. All our audio lessons are in mp3 format. Occasionally we also provide Word Documents and other study materials to accompany a course.

May the Lord richly Bless you.